For high pressure applications. MRB (The Machined Reverse Buckling Rupture Disk (Bursting Disc)) offers a one-piece design including both disk and housing. It is a uniform metal slug machined to a thin diaphragm in the center and then formed. When the reversal pressure is reached the disk snaps through and shears out completely at the disk/housing junction
Sizes 3/8" to 4"
Pressure Ratings available up to 70,000 psig
Opens full bore with no flow restrictions
Design assures long service life with a very high resistance to fatigue Non-torque sensitive
Maximum Operating Pressure to 90% of disk pressure rating
No knife blades required for opening
Use in gas or liquid service
Designed to adapt to customer's unique application
Min/Max Pressure Ratings at 72° F. (psid)
*Consult factory for availability of other materials or pressure ratings.
Minimum and maximum pressure ratings are applicable at 72° F.
Manufacturing Range:
Available with either 2%, 5% or 10% manufacturing range. The total range is placed on the minus side of the requested rating.
If a 20,000 psig MRB is ordered with a 10% manufacturing range, it may be tagged at any pressure between 20,000 psig and 18,000 psig.
Burst Tolerances: ± 5%
Tolerances are the maximum variation from the above tagged burst pressure.
Recommended maximum temperatures for each metal are:
Hastelloy C-276 900° F.
Inc/Alloy 600 900° F.
304L SS 900° F.
*Consult factory for availability of other materials or pressure ratings.
NOTE: Products, specifications, and all data in this literature are subject to change without notice. Questions regarding product selection and specifications for specific applications should be directed to BS&B, Attn: Customer Service Dept.